6 Common Dog Training Questions Answered

Do you have any dog training questions that you want answered?
Chances are, they're on this list...
1. Why Does My Dog Keep Pulling on the Leash?
This is one of the most common dog training questions out there, and is also a simple one to answer.
A dog will pull on the lead if he has learned that that is the easiest way to move forward. When your dog pulls, and you move forward with your dog, you reinforce that behavior by showing your dog that pulling works.
How do you stop your dog from pulling on the leash?
There are several ways to do this, but each one will take quite a bit of time. Training a dog to stop pulling on the leash can be a long process, so be patient!
The most common method is:
Stop walking when the leash goes tight
Stand still and don't move until the leash has gone slack again
Continue walking
What do you do if the lead doesn't go slack?
You turn around and take a few steps in the opposite direction. This will help your dog to focus on you again.
2. How Do I Stop My Puppy From Biting?
Biting is natural for puppies. They use their mouths to explore the world, and to communicate with their mother and littermates.
Of course, this isn't how you want to communicate with your pup...
So, the best way to get around this is by teaching your pup new ways to communicate.
Use a toy instead of your hand when playing with your puppy. Don't roll your puppy around or play too roughly, as this will only encourage the biting.
When your puppy does bite...
Stop playing immediately and walk away.
It won't take long before your puppy realizes that biting isn't a good way to communicate with you.
3. My Dog Gets Plenty of Exercise, But is Still So Hyper Around the House. What Do I Do?
Many people think that exercise is all a dog needs in order to quieten down, but this isn't true...
While exercise stimulates your dog physically, you still need to provide your dog with mental stimulation. This will keep their brain challenged, preventing them from getting bored and minimizing any destructive behavior.
Wondering how to mentally stimulate your dog?
Try an interactive dog toy. You could also try creating your own brain games for your pup, in the form of a treasure hunt, hide and seek, or anything similar. Trick training is another great way to keep a dog mentally stimulated, no matter their age.
Don't forget to also take a look at the food you are feeding your dog...
Some commercial foods contain numerous additives that can contribute to hyperactivity. Ideally, opt for something as natural as possible.
4. How Do I Get My Dog to Come to Me When I Call Him?
Recall-related dog training questions are so common. This is one of the most basic commands, and it goes without saying that it is something that every dog and owner should master.
Of course, this is easier said than done in many cases...
The main thing to remember is – every time you call your dog over, you need to make sure he listens to you. If he doesn't, then you are reinforcing the idea that it doesn't matter what you say, and that he doesn't need to come when you call.
How do you do this?
A long line will make your life so much easier. This is basically an extra-long, lightweight leash. You leave the leash slack at all times, so that your dog feels as though he has freedom.
When you call your dog over, give the leash a little tug to encourage your dog to come to you. Use treats to provide some extra motivation, and to reward your dog for listening.
Do this over small distances at first. You can then slowly increase this, adding in more distractions.
Once your dog gets the hang of this, you can then practice it without the long line.
5. How Do I Stop My Dog From Going to the Toilet in the House?
Toilet training problems tend to be at the top of the list when it comes to the most common dog training questions out there.
There are a few key points to keep in mind when house-breaking a dog:
Consistency – you need to be 100% consistent when it comes to taking your dog outside at regular intervals. Begin by doing this every hour, and slowly increase it as your dog's bladder strengthens
Positive Reinforcement – every time your dog goes to the toilet outside, you need to reinforce this. Use high value treats, as well as plenty of praise
A Verbal Command – each time your dog goes to the toilet outside, say your toilet command, whether this may be “go to the bathroom”, “potty time” or anything else. This will help in the future when you need your dog to go to the toilet on command
What should you do if your dog does go to the toilet in the house?
Don't tell him off. Instead, clean it using a solution that completely removes the odor. This will prevent your dog from using that same spot again. Dogs live in the moment, so shouting at them for something that has happened in the past will not help with your training.
6. How Do I Get My Dog to Stop Barking at the Doorbell?
It can be quite frustrating when your dog goes crazy each time the doorbell rings.
So, what can you do about this?
You basically need to teach your dog to do something else each time the doorbell rings. The best thing to teach them would be to lie down quietly in their bed.
Use treats to encourage your dog to go to bed each time the bell rings. Have a friend ring the bell each time your dog is settled, while you praise your dog for remaining in his bed rather than barking.
This does take time and plenty of practice, so be patient!