Enroll now for unlimited access to our 10-week Total Transformation Masterclass
Step 2 of 2: Enroll now for unlimited access to our 10-week Total Transformation Masterclass
If you are not satisfied with the masterclass, please contact us within 90 days of your enrollment to get a full refund.
Natalie Rozynski Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
We were getting really frustrated with Luna (our Chihuahua puppy). She used to bite us constantly and would never come to us when we used to call her in the dog park. And we had tried to housebreak her but she continued to pee occasionally in the house.
While your masterclass sounded great, I wasn’t sure it would work for a puppy like her. To be honest, the only reason we signed up is because of your refund policy - I figured we had nothing to lose haha!
Well, not only did it work, it worked wonders. We haven’t had a single accident in more than 8 weeks now. The biting has also stopped, and she now comes to us as soon as we call her name - no matter what she might be doing at that time.
We are thinking of getting another dog soon (probably a bigger dog) so that Luna will have someone to play with, and are looking forward to using the things that we had learned in the masterclass with the new dog.
Samantha Morgan, Plano, Texas
I purchased the Total Transformation Masterclass from K9 Training Institute and am super-impressed.
Walking with Carlo has become so much more enjoyable now! Instead of constantly pulling on his leash like he used to, he now always walks at our side.
And instead of trying to run away everytime we open the front door (and almost getting run over by a car once because of this), he now sits patiently in front of the door even without a leash on until I give him permission to go out.
He has become so well-trained and seems to almost behave like a service dog now!
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K9 Training Institute
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Dover, DE 19904
Ph: (740) 971-2705 -
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K9 Training Institute
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